Pack Read BoardImage just for spacing

These are the messages passed on from the pack leadership. The most recent is listed at the top.

Date Message

17 Aug 08

Meeting Notes

First, let me say thank you all for coming to the meeting on Thursday night.  I appreciate your your commitment to our scouting program as well as your travels to my house!  I have attached a typed version of the calendar we all worked so hard to create.  If there are any mistakes, please let me know immediately as I would like to have these printed for the round up on Sept. 11.  Cub Buddy Family Campout registration forms will also be available that evening as well as a list of openings that we still need to fill.  Specific events for that evening will be worked out at a later date - Angie will have the floor!  And, a huge thank you for stepping up to fill some of the openings for event chairs.
Here are some other notes from the meeting...
Positions:  Cub Master - Angie Willburn
    Asst. Cub Master - Brenda Autry
    Tiger Den - Carla Mikhail
    Wolf Den -
    Bear Den - Peggy Rochon/Theresa Meza will start - John Callaghan to join in Nov.
    Webelo 1 - Ken Willburn
    Webelo 2 - Dan McIlhenny
    Secretary & Awards - Brigid White
    Committee Chair & Treasurer - Nancie Callaghan
    Training - Ken Willburn
    Popcorn -
    Scouting  For Food - Claudia McIlhenny
    Scout Sunday -
    Blue & Gold -
    Pinewood Derby - Ken Willburn & Dan McIlhenny
    Fundraising - Peggy Rochon
    Mike's Farm - Dan & Claudia McIlhenny
    Family Campout - Angie Willburn
    Monthly Newsletter - Carla Mikhail
Den Meetings: 
    Bears - IOP Gym Sundays at 3:00
    Tigers - IOP Gym Sundays at 2:00
Registration fees are due no later than November 1st!  Any scout not paid will not be re-registered.  Fees for new scouts are $15.25 / Boys Life Magazine $17.00  (Sept 08 - Dec 09).  Re-registration of current scouts are $11.00 / Boys Life $12.00 (Jan 09 - Dec 09).
Pack Dues:  $30.00 for the year to cover cost of awards, achievements, advancements due by end of November.
Scout Expo is scheduled for Sept. 27.  We are co-sponsoring this event and Ken will be providing more information as it becomes available.  Mark your calendars...we need volunteers that day! 
Monthly Newsletter:  Den leaders can email any den info to Carla for the newsletter to be available at the pack meetings.  Carla will send a deadline prior to completing the newsletter.  Please feel free to share any and all den news, plans, advancements, etc. - anything you might want to share with the rest of the pack. 
We are hoping to provide each scout with a Pinewood Derby car at Christmas - paid for by the pack through fundraising.  **Handed out at Mike's Farm??**
Popcorn sales will begin at Sept. pack meeting and run through Oct. 22.  All monies should be turned in to Popcorn chair at Oct. pack meeting.  It might be a good idea to solicit order forms and monies at your den meeting prior to the pack meeting to give yourselves time to tally orders on master den order forms.  Those master order forms and monies should be turned into chair no later than Oct. 22.
The pack would like to pay for each scout to attend Mike's Farm on Dec. 18th.  Also, to raise money for a new Pinewood Derby Race Track.  Approx cost of a track is $500.
Each Den will provide a Thanksgiving Food Basket filled with non-perishables and a gift card to be turned in at the November 24th pack meeting.  They will then be handed over to IOP Parish for delivery.
The Blue & Gold Banquet is scheduled for Feb. 28 at 6:30.  However, we will be looking into the possibility of an afternoon event.  I will be checking with Lisa to see if the Hall is available from 2-5.  Another possibility is an alternate location and we will discuss this at a later time.
We have the Parish Hall reserved on May 27 for the Crossover ceremony.  This is also subject to change.
Anyone in need of training, please email Ken and he will set up a training day to get everyone qualified.
Any training/leader materials need to be ordered asap - please let me know if you are in need of something specific.  Brigid will be taking over the awards and needs a copy of Pack Master to put on her computer.  Please check your desks, closets, bags, etc. to see if you have one hiding somewhere.
Additional info:  We have  3 Bear Books available for purchase at $7.00 each.  Angie will be picking up youth and adult registration forms at the round table this month.  After the registration, I will immediately compile a den roster for each leader and dens can begin meeting at your convenience.  The use of Pack Master program is a very easy way to track advancement - if you would like a copy, please let me know and as soon as one turns up I will get it to you.
If I can help in any way, please let me know.  I am very excited about the upcoming year and it would seem that we are off to a great start!   Sorry if I forgot to add anything!  
Thanks again,


5 May 08

Crossover Ceremony


Good afternoon leaders!

 Alright, here’s the date for the Crossover Ceremony: 31 May 2008 (last Saturday of the month). Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (I doubt it’ll last that long but, just in case). Please pass on the date and times to your families. One thing I really have to have prior to this are the SIGNED INFORMED CONSENT AGREEMENTS (attached) for each SCOUT. I have to turn in a copy of each of these forms to our S-3. If you could print them out and pass them to your families (or email them) and have them brought to your next meeting, that’d be great. I’d like to collect them all up by 19 MAY. If you need a little more time, let me know. But I do need to get them turned in to the S-3 by Friday, 23 MAY.

 *There will be NO PACK MEETING ON 28 MAY. All advancements and awards will need to be turned into Nancie Callaghan at LEAST 2 weeks prior to the Crossover Ceremony (she’ll put out a “no later than” date). This is the last month for the boys to earn their current rank if they haven’t done so already. After 31 May, they’ll be moved up into the next Den.

 *The Consent Forms are important. If I don’t have one by the time I have to turn them in, that Scout won’t be able to participate. I’d really hate to leave someone out of this so please, “harp” on your parents to get them turned in on time.

 *I need some parents to sponsor the snacks for this event (just like at a Pack meeting). Please let me know who will be doing this as soon as you can.

 *The Committee Chair would like to get all of us together on 10 May (next Saturday) at either 3:00 pm or 4:00 pm (let me know which time is best for all) for a leaders meeting to discuss the Crossover Ceremony as well as the open positions. PLEASE, if you have any parents who are interested or “think” they might be, bring them along or bring their names and desired position. We need Bear Leaders, Wolfs, Asst. Webelos Leaders (not really bad though), Committee positions (Blue and Gold, Pinewood Derby, Outings/Service Projects, among others, not sure about the Treasurer, Secretary or Chair positions yet). I “believe” that Angie and Denise were going to take on the Cubmaster and Asst. Cubmaster roles (Denise did look into my eyes at the last Pack meeting so that constitutes a “go”)! J

 Let me know if there are any questions/concerns/ideas, etc!


Errr, arrr, grrr,


(910) 545-5113 (cell)  (910) 353-5793 (home)  (910) 450-0894 (work)


1 May 08

Rope Bridge Info


Good evening leaders!

  I’ve received the “go ahead” for use of our Rope Bridge!! The base ops required that I do an “ORAW” (Operational Risk Assessment Worksheet)-attached-and have each participant sign a “waiver” of liability. I looked up Cub Scout Forms and found the one attached with some minor alterations. Base needs copies of the signed waivers as well as the ORAW (get the waivers back to me and I’ll turn everything in). We need a date first though.

  We would not use the obstacle course, just the rope bridge. We will need 2 people as safeties (one on each side of the bridge) and one person at one end (me) and one at the other end (the receiving Den Leader). It’s really not a big deal and I really think the boys would really love it.

  For those that don’t have a base decal, I’ll ask that the leaders take a “tally” and see if there’s a way that Dens can “carpool” with those that do. If this doesn’t seem like it’d work out, we can try the other way by having one of our active duty folks sign everyone in.

  For dates: I know Memorial Weekend is the 24-26, but, can we do it on Saturday the 24th or Saturday the 31st? Start time around 10:00 am. Let me know which Saturday works. I know there are sporting events going on so if the time isn’t good, we can work that.

 The event would look something like this:

Everyone will park along the dirt road (it’s wide enough and is grated) leading up to the ceremony area (there’ll be signs and we can have some people “posted” so no one gets lost). There will also be a designated safety vehicle and myself and Jim Castagna will be the designated medical support. The Scouts, Leaders (parents are welcome too!) will go on a short “hike” around the training area, sort of a “trial” time prior to the main event. Nothing big, but I’ll think of something that will incorporate some of the things that the boys have learned/done over this past Scouting year. It’ll be cool.

For anyone who might have questions regarding safety, believe me, we will have EVERYTHING covered. We’ll have water available at the sight, safety personnel staged around the rope bridge (for those that don’t want to cross it, they can cross our bridge-I’ll have that there as well). The rope bridge is not very high and there is no water underneath it. I’m also doing a local tour permit so we’re “legal” in the eyes of the Council.

Boys will need to carry water with them and maybe a snack or something. But I’d like to get volunteers to have snacks available for afterwards-We can load up the Chuckwagon!!!

 Once we get a date locked on (I’d like to get that as soon as possible, hopefully by the end of this weekend so I can take care of the logistics next week during my break), we’ll all get together (those that can but at the very least, the Den Leaders and/or Assistants) and do a walk through, safety briefs, etc.

 For now, please look at the dates I’ve proposed. Check out the attached ORAW and consent form (let me know if I need to add anything). Again, once I get the date, I’d like to get the consent forms out to your families and returned to me 16 May.

 Oh, once I have a date and we do the walk through, we can talk about who wants to do what, etc.

 Alright! Thanks! This will be fun! It’ll be “cooler” if there are any advancements to do!



 Cubmaster, Pack 357

Infant of Prague

Jacksonville, NC

Hm: (910) 353-5793

Cell: (910) 545-5113


2 Feb 08

Feb Awards


Subject: February Awards
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 15:06:25 -0500

Dear Den Leaders,

  As you know, this month is filled with many scouting events.  Each of these events will earn the scout a badge for participation.  Please keep careful records of attendance for each event and forward the names of participants to me after each event occurs.  I don't want to forget anyone...I will send out a list for confirmation before I order.

 These events include:

-Scouting for Food (2/2/08 & 2/9/08)

-Scout Sunday (2/3/08)

-Blue & Gold (2/2308)

-Cake Bake (2/23/08)

-Pinewood Derby (3/8&9/08)

 The Scouting for Food and Scout Sunday badges hopefully will be available to deliver at the Blue & Gold Banquet.  And, if all goes well, the Blue & Gold, Cake Bake & Pinewood Derby patches should be delivered at the March pack meeting. 


I have re-ordered the Outdoor Activity badges and should have them for the Blue & Gold Banquet.  Please have all additional awards to me no later than Sunday evening, Feb. 17th as I will be placing the order first thing Monday morning.  Also, please remember to include a date of completion for any bobcat, rank, or special awards earned.


Good Luck!  Please let me know if you have any questions...




2 Feb 08

Some Notes


Subject: Some Notes
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 17:19:06 -0500

Good afternoon everyone,

  Some quick things I’d like to pass on to all the den leaders:


-Carla Mikhail is bringing in all the supplies for the boys to make placemats for the Blue and Gold tomorrow (Scout Sunday). Leaders, please pick up your supplies tomorrow. If you can’t be there, let me know and I’ll pick them up for you. At your den meetings, please work on a skit/song that you all can do at the Blue and Gold. Remember, this is a “Birthday Celebration”.

***Father and Son Cake Bake for BLUE AND GOLD! PLEASE PASS TO YOUR PARENTS. For those that remember last year’s event, it was great! This is a father and son event. If the father is deployed, it can be an uncle, grandfather, etc. There will be awards for best theme, etc (I’ll get a list out there to ya’ll ASAP). We’re also contemplating auctioning off their cakes at the Blue and Gold. I’ll let you know for sure. BLUE AND GOLD IS 23 FEB.


**I need some names of your outstanding parents from each of your dens. I’m making up some letters of appreciation so we can recognize them at the Blue and Gold Banquet. Please send me a brief synopsis of what it is that they’ve done for you so I can include that in the letter. When we do this, I’ll ask that the respective Den Leader come up to read and present the award.


-I know Nancie just sent out the info on the upcoming events but if there are any questions, concerns, etc, PLEASE let me know as soon as possible.


-Remember, next Saturday, 09 Feb, the BEARS and the TIGER DENS (1 and 2) are picking up the Scouting for Food bags. We will all meet up at the IOP Parking Lot at 9:00 am (let me double check with Claudia to make sure that time is good for her, she’s the chairperson for this event-I’ll let you know if it’s a different time).


-I’m making a “Scout Family” distribution list. Could you please send me your families’ email addresses so I can include them as well? Thanks!


-I’d like to schedule a Den Leaders (and Assistants) meeting for the 16th of Feb. It’s a Saturday. Let me know if this works. I would REALLY like for all the leaders to be there and the Asst. Leaders. If both of you can’t, please have at least one of you there. There is a lot of stuff coming up that we need to get our hands around (Pinewood Derby, Crossover Ceremony, another campout?, etc). I’ll put out an agenda. Right now, I’ll say 16 Feb at either 11:00am-12:00pm or 4:00pm-5:00pm. Let me know which time works for you and if the day is good. If you’d rather do it Friday, 15 Feb, in the evening, we can do that to. I’ll put out another email on this when I get some feedback.


Thanks! Let me know if there is ANYTHING you all need!


-See ya’ll tomorrow for Scout Sunday! Remember, UNIFORMS! J


Err, arr,



Ken Willburn

Cubmaster, Pack 357

Infant of Prague

Jacksonville, NC

Hm: (910) 353-5793

Cell: (910) 545-5113







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